New Year, New Studio

Now that I have a dedicated studio space, my looms and spinning wheels have some breathing room.  I've been enjoying a few minutes of spinning in my studio nearly every day for the past three weeks.  My fascination with plying two different colorways together continues, and in just a couple of week I had spun and plied enough yarn to wind a 3-yard warp out of the reddish-pink hued yarns.  The weft yarn that I am using is one of my handspun yarns in purples, periwinkles, and greens.  So far, I am loving the results!

My Schacht Baby Wolf loom in the process of being warped with some of my handspun yarn.

Current weaving project that combines a straight twill with plain weave.  Warp and weft are both my handspun yarn.


Carding Batts